Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dedicated to Sarah Fitzpatrick

This will be my second post (since November) and I dedicate it to Sarah, my BFF since the 4th grade! This picture was from a few weeks ago when Sarah visited me and we walked to the train station with all 6 kids and ate Spaghetti Factory on the sidewalk next to the trains. It was quite an adventure. Six kids 4 and under...yikes! :)
Sarah has inspired me to start a blog. I have been following hers for quite some time now and I always secretly wished I had one of my own. However, I was a little timid because a. I don't really enjoy writing and b. I am a not a particularly funny, or entertaining writer like my friend Sarah is. But here I am....starting a blog....which was one of my summer goals! Now we'll just have to see if I can actually keep up with this. :)
Here is Ben and Thompson being silly. These two crazy kids were born 4 days apart.
OK. That's it for now!! :)

1 comment:

sfitz said...

Yay!!! Keep it up friend! And tell other people about it because a) I want them to see our super cute kids and b) you'll write more when you know people are excited to hear from you. Or maybe don't tell anyone because then you might feel super pressured to do a spectacular job then not do it at all. I like option a. personally. :-) Love you! And thanks for all the sweet words!!